Sideloader Cable Drum Handling Main Hammar Cabledrum Delivery Main Hammar Cable Drum Handling Snow Main 2 Hammar Drumloader Lifting Main

The use of high voltage cables (HVC) for power transmission is predicted to increase by a CAGR of 6 - 7% by 2024 and turn over USD 52 billion globally. Half of the revenue will most likely come from underground cables. New and more efficient logistical solutions must be developed in order to meet the requirements for more efficient and secure distribution of for example cable drums.

Transport of cable drums, large steel cable reels is a major part of the logistics and the major work on laying cables around the world. The cable drums come in different sizes, and the transport of the larger cable drums has historically been made by a combination of large mobile cranes and low-built trailers.

The trailers are built low due to the extreme height of cable drums, to meet different country's height regulations, and is towed by truck to the unloading place. At the unloading site, one or more mobile cranes have been prepared to handle the unloading, and then the cable is pulled out.

Our world-unique solution is a custom low-build trailer for heavy cable drums that meets the height and width requirements of the market. On top of trailer two cranes are mounted for lifting cable drums from ground to trailer / trailer to ground, eliminating the need for any other lifting equipment.

Key benefits

Hammar Cabledrum Loader Road
Hammar Cable Drum Transport
Drumloader Drum Sizes
Drumloader Cable Drum Platform