Robot welding speeds up production
Like many others, Hammar was also hit by the economic recession in 2008/2009. Now, when the wind has turned, we are determined to be ready for the increased production without letting our customers suffer from long delivery times.
Hammar has invested in a Euro 500,000 robot welding system from Motoman of Japan, which has just now been started up in production after the initial test/programming runs. The robot is a Motoman EA 1900N, with two cells with individual manipulators dimensioned for a 1000 Kg load and able to rotate our crane arms during welding. The two cells allow maximum usage of the robot as one cell can be set up by the operator, while the robot is welding in the other. The robot is transporting itself on a 13 meter long rail between work stations.
The Motoman EA 1900N system will deliver a more controlled welding process and a more even welding result, compared to even the best license welders.
Hammar is working hard to bring down the lead times in production in order to always deliver on time to customers and this robot system is a part of that strive.