15 abr - 08
Hammar Australia delivers the 500th Hammarlift
In April 2008 Hammar Australia delivered its 500th HAMMAR to roll on Australian roads. To the customer,Rocke Brothers Pty Ltd in Melbourne, this was their eighth Sideloader. Rocke Brothers move about 1 500 TEU each week and see their HAMMAR Side lifters as absolutely necessary to cope with their some 250 freight movements every day. “The HAMMARs are wonderful machines that are becoming more and more important for companies like ours to deliver seamless, competitive service.” says Paul Rocke.
Hammar Australia Pty Ltd, a subsidiary fully owned by Hammar Sweden, was incorporated in 1995, headed by Peter Levison. From a humble start the company is now delivering well over 50% of all new sideloaders in Australia